But they re- fused it until he and the First had each swallowed a quantity of the potent liquor.
McCoy took a stiff drink, made a face, then poured himself another two fingers' worth of the potent liquor.
Nieh poured himself a cup of the potent millet liquor.
Survivors were doused in the potent liquor, then burned to death.
"That's the most potent nondistilled liquor in the whole quadrant."
The men lifted the glasses and quickly tossed back the clear, potent liquor.
As quickly as possible, he poured a stream of the potent liquor on the wound.
It was some potent liquor that was unfamiliar to him.
The potent liquor seemed to draw all the coating from his throat.
She took her time now, sipped the potent liquor in her glass.