Yea, and from a still more potent influence: the worn castaways were to see the blessed land again!
The animal experiment I described - and others of the same general type - show that the rhythm of stimulation has a potent influence.
In the 19th century nationalism was an especially potent influence on all of these fields.
She added that fathers could have an equally potent influence on the behavior of their young if they are equal partners in upbringing.
Another potent influence was American Indian culture, especially that of the Northwest coast.
William Shakespeare was also a potent influence in her life.
Results of the research showed that the expectations of significant others were the single most potent influences on the students' own aspirations.
Other factors, however, had a more potent influence.
However, it remains a potent influence on Indian politics, with a large number of national and regional political parties espousing democratic socialism.
As long as information is such a potent influence on minds and events, censorship will always be with us.