For more than half a century Sweden has been a potent example of how effective governmental economic and social involvement can be.
The World Cup takes over the psyches of nations, and yesterday was a potent example.
Bulk sugar, they noted, has traditionally been "wrapped simply, taken home and transferred to canisters" - a "potent" example for cutting waste.
The Workmen's Compensation legislation from 1897 is the most potent example of the necessity of tort reform.
The House Republicans, seething with rage at the lech in chief, are the most potent example.
Brad Weston, with the powerful job of co-president for production at Paramount Pictures, is a potent example of this.
And the truth is, American movies, not TV shows, are the truly potent examples of our cultural imperialism.
The airlift's very existence was a potent example of the power of public opinion and an inspired civilian populace.
Inquisitor Gideon Ravenor is an especially potent example.
Stead's reports were an early but potent example of a 'new journalism' which was not afraid of creating a 'news-event' rather than just plain reporting.