Blending art and technology makes a particularly potent cocktail for rubes.
This will prove to be a potent cocktail for politicizing those who would rather stay at home and watch "reality" tv...
It was a potent cocktail of meat and dreams.
C1 Mother's milk is found to be a potent cocktail of hormones.
We learned to mix up a potent cocktail called methyl nitrate.
There's a large menu of potent cocktails, all around the R30 mark, and light snacks are available.
It's a dramatic juxtaposition that makes for a potent cocktail of scenery.
It's next to Indigo, so gets the same trendy crowd but serves cheaper, more potent cocktails.
But what I had in my hands was a very potent magic cocktail.
The combination of early breakfast, exhaust fumes and nerves is a potent cocktail!