The French should have a more potent attack this time.
For some tasks, successes beyond the minimum cause additional degrees of success, such as a more potent attack.
Imagine how potent this attack would be if you added him into the mix.
Atlanta relied heavily all season on Vick, part of a potent running attack that led the league in rushing with 167 yards a game.
As long ago as 1980, he dominated the most potent fast attack in history.
It's a potent attack since it rolls right through enemies like a bowling ball of death.
His vision and his ability to distribute the ball accurately have added another option to United's potent attack.
This would provide the Americans with their most potent attack.
Grimly he raised his blade, facing the potent and supernatural attack.
Computer security experts, however, warn that they have begun seeing evidence of increasingly potent attacks by hackers.