Even after treatment with potent antibiotics, bacterial meningitis claims the lives of 5 percent to 10 percent of its young victims and leaves many of those who survive with neurological damage.
Doctors prescribed a series of increasingly potent antibiotics to try to knock out the new bad bug, Clostridium difficile (C. diff), but nothing worked.
There are several more potent antibiotics now, but doctors need to know when to use them.
The findings may point the way to better and more potent antibiotics.
Because my immune system is gone, I was given very potent antibiotics that saved my life but destroyed my middle ear.
The systematic overuse of antibiotics by doctors, especially in the United States, has helped breed "superbugs" - bacteria resistant to even the most potent antibiotics, like vancomycin.
Because it is used topically, rather than systemically, Cytolex avoids many of the side effects common with potent oral antibiotics.
Infectious diseases are on a global rebound, surviving potent antibiotics and killing thousands more Americans a year than they once did, a coalition of doctors warned today.
Two potent antibiotics were given through the IV to treat what was believed to be congenital bacterial pneumonia.
The patient was given potent intravenous antibiotics, and Villanueva was called.