Over 600,000 ceramic pot sherds were recovered at the site of Rivas.
The foundations of the buildings are preserved and artefacts from the site include numerous pot sherds.
On the pot sherd he believes there are traces of the weneg-flower beneath the incised name of king Ninetjer.
A worker found a single pot sherd on the surface of the site that was associated to use approximately 1300 to 1450 CE.
Quimby was able to collect material from the surface, and dug some test pits, finding pot sherds and animal bones.
In total there are about 70,000 pot sherds collected at Oxkintok, and 38 complete vessels.
Surviving inscriptions of the script have been found on cave beds, pot sherds, Jar burials, coins, seals and rings.
Three scattered hearths were found (later replaced by one), along with a litter of bones and pot sherds, (mostly from cooking-pots).
Other evidence includes hearths, pots with evidence of cooking, crucible offerings, and domestic pot sherds.
Finds included cremation urns, other pot sherds, spindle whorls, beads and flint tools.