He said events on the ground were outpacing postwar planning, making it essential to act quickly.
The success of the West today stems from that postwar planning.
His thinking that this could be done on the cheap, though, with little postwar planning, was exactly wrong.
On that score, there were clear failures on her watch, they said, and also with postwar planning.
Officials in the administration, sensitive about any discussion of postwar planning for Iraq, have declined to say whether they are making preparations for relief programs.
Now we are embattled, both within the conservative movement and in the battle over postwar planning.
But we will never know, since the shortage of American troops and the lack of postwar planning made disaster inevitable.
There was significant postwar planning in the time that elapsed.
By contrast, the lack of postwar planning made the difficulties the United States faced almost inevitable.
He returned to Kodak in 1943 as coordinator of postwar planning.