The provincial mornings managed to stay at their 1957 level, but this was already down by one third from their immediate postwar peak.
The company's passenger car production reached a postwar peak of 1,162 in 1950, but by 1952 had slumped to just 89.
Similarly, our unemployment rate has fallen sharply since 1982, but in many European countries unemployment has risen during this period to levels well above earlier postwar peaks.
That is the highest level since 1980, but still a long way from the postwar peak of 7.5 percent that was reached in 1976.
Throughout the 1950's and 60's, an average of 31,700 units were completed each year, reaching a postwar peak of 60,031 in 1963.
For work and wages, there was the Ford car plant, which at its postwar peak employed 40,000.
This remains a postwar peak.
Not only has the value of their homes plummeted, but unemployment is at a postwar peak of 4.9 percent and is expected to climb more.
The 5,000 households surveyed said employment conditions had improved considerably, reflecting a decline in the Japanese unemployment rate, which reached a postwar peak in January.
From a key personnel numbering only four in July 1946 the base population increased to 795 by 31 August and to a postwar peak of 2,344 by March 1948.