At the end of the book, Lamin leads a group of amputees to wait under another mango tree to vote in the country's first postwar election.
Still, over all, the indicator has been correct in 8 of the 10 postwar elections.
Voter turnout was 44.5 percent, easily the lowest in any postwar national election.
At the time of his death, he was preparing to run in the first postwar general election.
The first postwar elections were held in 2008, and was considered generally fair, though the government's control of media gave it a strong advantage.
After the communists won the first postwar election and the peace was concluded in 1947, pressure on private landholders increased.
As Bosnia's second round of postwar elections unfold this weekend, the results of that effort look disappointing.
The first postwar elections were held in 1946, and for the first time women were allowed to vote.
She acted as his regular driver during postwar elections.
On two occasions in postwar elections, such a situation actually occurred.