He was 1-1 with a 3.43 earned run average, looking comfortable despite having no previous postseason experience.
The Angels also demonstrated that a lack of postseason experience was not an inhibiting factor for them.
Trachsel, who made his major league debut 13 years ago but has no postseason experience, said he would study videotape of the game for answers.
They've gained an extra year of experience, including postseason experience.
It was the only postseason experience of his entire career.
Verlander got some postseason experience in 2006, though the results were anywhere from poor to poor-ish.
Nine years of postseason experience apparently means something.
The Yankees had some edge because of their recent postseason experience, some said.
A lot of people say postseason experience is overrated.
"I think being involved in that helped us a lot, especially with a club with no postseason experience," Eckstein said.