Mitchell's trial on these charges was initially postponed following a court ruling that he was not mentally competent to stand trial.
The show was originally to be held on June 23, 2010, but had to be postponed following Bono's emergency back surgery.
Plans to release the papers after tomorrow's ex-co meeting have been postponed following legal objections from one of the two officials.
The actual implementation was postponed until January 13, 1966, following the completion of a special study group report on the federal role in solving urban problems.
There were plans to expand the mine, but this has now been postponed indefinitely following public protests and pending investigation of a "new and cheaper design".
A parliamentary election was originally scheduled for 28 November 2010, but was postponed following a meeting in September between the ruling party and opposition leaders.
Subsequent matches of the 2011-12 Egyptian Premier League were immediately postponed following the disaster.
On 2 June 2010 an episode featuring a gun siege was postponed following the similar Cumbria shootings earlier that day.
However, some episodes were postponed and rescheduled following the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.
The poll had been postponed in Lagos and Benin following security concerns.