"Now describe your postoperative treatment."
He died in a New York hospital of cardiopulmonary failure while undergoing postoperative treatment for colon cancer.
If they are negative, no postoperative treatment is indicated.
Adjuvant chemotherapy (postoperative treatment) can be used when there is little evidence of cancer present, but there is risk of recurrence.
Less than 18 years of age, treatment is usually not indicated, except for treatment of epilepsy, and pre- or postoperative treatment.
Which postoperative treatments do you recommend, if any?
Currently, no controlled studies have compared postoperative treatment with no treatment.
Moreover, Holland's specific iridectomy and iridotomy methods were able to remove the danger of the iris prolapsing and, thus, simplify and improve postoperative treatment.
It is interesting to note that the contract was not limited to the surgical procedure, but also included postoperative treatment and physician fees.
Further recommendations for postoperative treatment will be made pending the type and stage of disease encountered.