Many of the other artists can approach that concept only through the heavily filtered perspective of postmodern theory.
Then comes the line that could be the password to all postmodern literary theory: "Never trust the artist.
He questions if the attacks are only able to be understood in a limited form of postmodern theory due to the level of irony.
She marshals postmodern critical theories in order to explore literary representations of the subject.
They skillfully retold an archetypal messiah story with a dash of postmodern theory.
Hamburger Schule is also about intellectual lyrics with postmodern theories and social criticism.
Following the perceived limitations of the modern era, emerged postmodern theory.
In contrast to modern theory, postmodern theory is more fluid and allows for individual differences as it rejected the notion of social laws.
Socialist Review came to be strongly associated with postmodern critical theory and evolved into an academic journal with a strong cultural element.
That photographs advance a hidden agenda is one of the clichés of postmodern critical theory.