When Paul ascended the throne in 1796, at age 42, he wreaked posthumous revenge on his mother's memory and Enlightenment heritage.
The founder of the Fifth Republic died in 1970, but two of his surviving foes are having posthumous revenge on his legacy.
Because of these belief systems, subsistence hunters go to considerable lengths to win the animal's prior approval and avoid inciting its posthumous revenge.
Knowing that Parker is in severe financial trouble and bribing him with a large amount of cash, he has set up an elaborate posthumous revenge on the couple.
"Yes yes," said Caderousse; and his eyes glistened at the thought of this posthumous revenge.
Okay, but posthumous revenge as a redemptive pop fantasy?
Old P.D.Q. takes posthumous revenge on Mr. Schickele every time.
Some of the tales feature Reynard's funeral, where his enemies gather to deliver maudlin elegies full of insincere piety, and which feature Reynard's posthumous revenge.
When asked what her epitaph at the Evergreen would say, her eyes burned with pleasure at the thought of posthumous revenge.
A posthumous revenge was not going to be very satisfactory from his point of view.