It is the longest and widest single nerve in the human body, going from the top of the leg to the foot on the posterior aspect.
Symptoms include numbness, tingling, and weakness of the posterior aspect of the thumb.
It contains cells that give rise to the cuneate tubercle, visible on the posterior aspect of the medulla.
These are two symmetrical indentations on the posterior aspect of sacrum which contain a venous channel too.
In this orientation, the kinocilia rest on the posterior aspect of the cupula.
It would be overworking, having to combine its normal functions with that of reinforcing the posterior aspect of the knee.
The internal pudendal arteries supply its posterior aspect.
It has been erroneously described as the posterior aspect of the mesorectal fascia.
The remaining 5% of these fractures result from a direct blow to the posterior aspect when the elbow is flexed more than 90 .
Additionally, there are two protrusions on the posterior aspect, above the cerebral aqueduct: