The plan was to find a cafe and look through my pile of paper for leads on dinner, but on the way out we spotted posters lavishly illustrated with glassware and furniture in vibrant colors and patterns.
The museum, at 11 West 53d Street, is also exhibiting film stills and original posters illustrating Chaplin's career.
And, to a lesser extent, for its big wooden posters illustrating different trivial points about a seedy boardwalk resort in southeastem New Jersey.
The Manchester Evening News Arena is widely known as a boxing venue where posters advertising fights would illustrate a bout between two fighters with a "Vs".
The 1958 poster on the left illustrates the innocent face of the Brovkin character as performed by the sophisticated actor Kharitonov.
Perhaps the most important poster - among the largest, printed in four sections, and oldest of its type - illustrates the travels of the circus around the world.
Some have dropped campaigns that use posters of blood-spattered accident scenes to illustrate alcohol's damage in favor of campaigns that emphasize the norm as the 60 percent of college students who drink moderately or not at all.
Living alone is fine, as many posters illustrate.
The poster to the right illustrates the changes.
The more than 300 objects in this show celebrate the famous quartier at its peak: posters by Toulouse-Lautrec and Jules Cheret, prints, drawings, photographs, illustrated books and ephemera.