The Society, which has a very high response rate to its many postal questionnaires, has agreed to cooperate with a survey.
Late recall will be tested by postal questionnaires at 6 months.
Altogether 124 of 185 authorities completed our postal questionnaire during November and early December last year.
They also supplemented the personal interviews with over 500 postal questionnaires making a total of just over 600.
Such questions are more often asked in the interview situation than in a postal questionnaire.
With a postal questionnaire, it is important also to check that the layout is neither confusing nor encouraging any particular response.
The decision that must be made is between a postal questionnaire and some form of face-to-face interview.
Excessive use of this technique in a self-administered or postal questionnaire can irritate respondents so much that they give up.
These postal questionnaires contained a list of sentences written in Standard German.
The survey was based on a postal questionnaire sent to a representative sample of 2,000 members of staff and 200 retired staff.