As well as many whose work and ideas helped shape the post-war world.
As the war drew to a close, two competing visions for the post-war world emerged.
And to be rich, in the post-war world, could only mean dollar-rich.
However, the new economic situation in the post-war world was hard for the piano business.
The legacy of betrayal could only have served to make the post-war world more dangerous than it actually was.
In his view a peaceful post-war world could be achieved only with the cooperation of Stalin.
Bonn's power in the post-war world had, after all, been limited by the division from the East.
She later wrote to all her former officers to inquire after their welfare and ask what they were doing in the post-war world.
Congress would brook no potential economic rivals in the post-war world.
In the post-war world, our power has been reduced.