Several of her post-war films cast her in parts that dealt either directly or indirectly with her wartime persona as a bilingual/bicultural performer.
She appeared in numerous post-war Italian films.
Clair himself considered Les Grandes Manœuvres (along with Le silence est d'or) to be the best of his post-war films.
Clair considered it one of his best post-war films.
These post-war film representations have generally been more realistic and gritty, such as The Deer Hunter (1978) and Apocalypse Now (1979).
LVN's first post-war film, Orasang Ginto again starred del Sol.
His next film, Skandal um Dodo (1958), is of interest only because it was one of the first post-war films in German to star a black woman.
The gamble paid off as it became the first post-war British film to be sold to the U.S.
He saw a great many of the post-war American films that were beginning to appear in Britain.