However, in the post-Soviet world, there was a feeling that writers had lost their way.
And what is the city becoming in the topsy-turvy, post-Soviet, postmodern world?
The second set of challenges involves meeting the demands of the new post-cold war, post-Soviet world.
The post-Soviet world is entering a dangerous new phase.
But either the post-Soviet world is more complex than Americans can handle, or bad old habits die hard.
But the treaty remains so restrictive, she argued, that it has become a hindrance rather than an aid to security in a post-Soviet world.
And the Palestinians, in the post-Soviet world, understood they had to scale back their demands.
He attempts to discover the forces that determine individual desires and shape collective belief in this post-Soviet world.
Nor was Reagan the first chief executive to envision the post-Soviet world.
They said the changes proved the alliance's ability to remain relevant in a post-Soviet world.