They are the ultimate victims of the post-modern world.
We're trying to mix the semiotic in this post-modern world and bring these different tusovki together.
The Modern must decide whether it will be a voice in contemporary art, or merely a kind of artifact in a post-modern world.
He has been interested in questions regarding the issue of political power, the individual existence in the modern and post-modern technological world.
How could a modern museum survive in what was widely labeled a post-modern world?
I really don't care what goes on in this cool, unsentimental post-modern world, but that's how we do it in our house.
This story takes place in a post-modern world where Rock and Roll is about to become extinct.
"His son claims that in the post-modern world authenticity requires acknowledging one's diagnosis."
Of course this is the strange post-modern, semi-ethereal world we live in.
We live in the post-modern world, where everything is possible and almost nothing is certain.