The 1989 Honduran elections: post-election analysis.
According to the Times-Picayune's post-election analysis, Morial won by "holding a significant white crossover vote while increasing the black turnout and denying any of it to Faucheux."
A post-election analysis revealed that while the Democratic veteran candidates were the most salient in 2006, Republican veteran candidates enjoyed higher vote shares that year on average.
Mr Miliband's long association with his predecessor has perhaps compromised his post-election analysis of where the party went wrong and where it needs to go next.
To further demonstrate how out of touch the left wing is in this country, during a subsequent post-election analysis, a group of saddened Democrat "leaders" were analyzing what had happened.
Nearly every post-election analysis points out that 62 percent of white males voted Republican.
Implicit in the post-election analyses is the belief that Mr. Clinton left Mr. Gore an eminently winnable election.
"Most people are very generous and good-hearted," Congressman Kolbe concluded, in a succinct bit of post-election analysis that may well explain the rabid right's setbacks nationwide in '96.
His post-election analysis is that New Labour is not dead, but has simply lost its way.
His own post-election analysis showed that, in the logging and saw-mill counties, his support decreased by between 25,000 and 30,000 votes from 1982, by itself more than enough to turn the election.