The IGC is responding to the government's express interest in the analysis of near-term policy based upon lessons from international experience with post-conflict countries.
Each conference is centred around a theme related to press freedom, including good governance, media coverage of terrorism, impunity and the role of media in post-conflict countries.
Monetary policy in post-conflict countries: Restoring credibility.
In addition to working in countries with established parliamentary system, AWEPA also works in post-conflict countries.
The Assembly receives a large number of requests, mostly from post-conflict countries and students of politics wishing to discuss and share experience with Northern Ireland politicians.
The Swedish financial regulator and public trading have insufficient regulation and guidance for companies operating in difficult or post-conflict countries.
She established herself in a new field as a media consultant for pre- and post-conflict countries.
Reconciliation and Reconstruction in post-conflict countries, social connections and infrastructures have to be rebuilt.
Mostly serving in post-conflict countries, ICITAP adds to the stability and development of not only the country it is in but the region.
The circumstances under which reform efforts are undertaken can be classified as three very different reform environments: post-conflict, transitional and developed countries.