The film illustrates an erupting new world where the so-called common man, both black and white, no longer has a clear idea of the realpolik due to the social revolutions in a post-colonial world.
His words, which bring together Caravaggio, Carmen Miranda, Dante and childhood memories, merge Eden with an up-to-date, sensualist, post-colonial world.
His acclaimed iconoclastic dramas, which interrogate the dynamics of the post-colonial world, include Big Dada, Ipi Zombi, iMumbo Jumbo and Orfeus.
As one reviewer noted, "The pictures have become slices of history, documenting race and modernity in the post-colonial world."
For the post-colonial world, Pearl Harbor proved the unexpected prelude to liberation.
In 2006, her book "Beyond Subculture: youth, pop and identity in a post-colonial world" on these themes was published.
While Afghani's interest in Islamic law and theology was scant, later Pan-Islamism in the post-colonial world was strongly associated with Islamism.
In this post-colonial world filled with identity issues and native aspirations, we need a different name, one that invokes the land and its heritage without prejudice.
In that respect, Asian values became an assertion of regional identity by nations that had begun to flex their economic muscle and to refine their political systems in a post-colonial world.
The global-local dialectic: Challenges for Africa scholarship and social work in a post-colonial world, British Journal of Social Work 36, pp.