A warning sign posted outside the attraction cautions some people, including heart patients and pregnant women, not to ride.
Last year it posted a small profit after a long string of losses, including a loss of more than $2 billion in 1984 alone.
The company posted strong earnings gains throughout the year, including an increase of more than 900 percent in its fourth-quarter profit.
Neary posted a 23-2 record during his professional career, including 16 knockouts.
In 1929, he posted a career-high 140 games with Boston, including 131 appearances as the team's regular third base.
Blog posting with 24 comments in response, including information about differences between curling as played by men and women.
He posted a 59-47-13 mark in six seasons, including 56 from 2004 to 2008.
He posted back-to-back seasons of over 100 knockdowns, including 107 his senior season.
He posted six interceptions in his Michigan career, including one for a touchdown.
The report said China posted a $7.13 billion surplus in its capital accounts, including direct investment and international loans.