The industry posted a 6.4 percent drop in day-for-day sales of domestic cars for the last third of September.
Though it stepped up production last year, Petrobras posted an 18 percent drop in net profit, to $2.25 billion for 2002.
Qantas posted a 93 percent drop in profits, to $9.2 million, in the 1990 fiscal year.
St. Paul Travelers Companies posted a 64 percent drop.
Companies Chrysler posted a 47 percent drop in profits, reflecting lower shipments and the increased cost of sales incentives.
The Honda Motor Company posted an 8.7 percent drop in car sales for the month, to 77,287.
And although Reynolds posted a 59 percent drop in net profit for the third quarter, it was nonetheless the company's best performance during a recession.
Dresdner reported results separately, posting a 12.7 percent drop in pretax profit.
The company reported its seventh quarterly earnings decline in August, posting a 25 percent drop, to $12 million.
Sun Microsystems posted an 82 percent drop in earnings.