In the last 10 days the Chinese press has paid particular attention to the nation's 8 percent minority population, and has warned of possible ethnic unrest.
The concern is for nuclear pollution and possible civil unrest across the boundary.
All three conspirators were secretly arrested on January 1, 1781, putting an end to any possible civil unrest before it even started.
Concerned about possible unrest, the government has extended the mid-year university recess and cancelled public sporting events.
Yesterday afternoon, more than 100 people crowded into the parish hall to prepare for the weekend's activities and possible unrest.
But Chinese leaders also fear an slowdown resulting from a loss of exports, which would generate unemployment and possible unrest.
Each person said that the jury must be sitting in the shadow of possible unrest, either directed against themselves or the community.
He also sent guards off with orders for the rest of his people to prepare for possible civil unrest and even rioting.
Some officials have warned of possible unrest if people are thrown out of work in a country with no social security system.
Some speculated the "revival" of the Basij was connected "with preparations for possible civil unrest."