Postwar reconstruction and a renewal of domestic programs were also mentioned as possible subjects for action.
Investigators have a list of about 50 people, which is updated periodically as possible subjects are added or deleted.
As often the first point of contact for customers, they take all kinds of calls covering every possible subject.
The possible subject is male Caucasian, undetermined age, no other description.
The days passed too rapidly, with family talks continuing into the early morning hours and covering every possible subject.
While considering possible subjects for his master's thesis, he began thinking about the need for a better printing press.
The editors had an advisory board of about 30 experts to help winnow down possible subjects for inclusion.
"What I am doing," he said, "is showing many aspects of human behavior, which makes anything that interests me a possible subject."
Mr. Salews is a sculptor, and he was on the trail of a possible subject.
Without him we wouldn't have a clue about a possible subject.