Other possible spellings are furītā, furiita, freeta, furiitaa, or furitaa in order of frequency.
Other possible spellings are -ii and obsolete -j or -ij.
There also are several possible spellings of the names.
Some estimates claim that there are over 50 possible different spellings of the sound, though this figure is disputed.
The converse does not always hold, i.e. for a given pronunciation there may be multiple possible spellings.
Note: The main article is under Panicker, although that is not the commonest of the many possible spellings of this name.
Be patient and don't forget to use wild cards (*) and try all the possible spellings.
Obviously the various permutations allow for many possible spellings for a given name.
The name "Selina" initially had two possible spellings: Selina and Selena.
Words that have the same or similar Metaphone become possible alternative spellings.