Officials say they also want to watch for possible side-effects of nevirapine before distributing it more widely.
Consult your doctor to learn which prophylaxis is best for you, and review possible side-effects.
We monitor any reports sent to us from doctors on possible side-effects from our Pharmaceuticals.
There has been some bad press in recent years about the use of foam in cavity wall insulation and its possible side-effects on people's health.
The death suggested a possible previously unrecognised side-effect of ecstasy.
You're told there are possible temporary side-effects, but it is, eventually, restorative.
But a year's supply of the drug for one patient costs $8,000 to $10,000, and that does not include the cost of treating possible side-effects.
There are some possible side-effects to this drug.
Equally, the use of these products in combination with others, including drugs, requires scrupulous attention to the possible side-effects where they may occur.
Not mentioned, however, is the possible negative side-effects concerning fair use (limitation on rights), or the reach of the public domain.