I was blue and disgruntled all the forenoon and looked forward to the coming of the mail as the one possible rescue from the doldrums.
We were ninety million kilometers from any possible rescue.
In that event, with no rescue possible, the men would have to bid the world farewell and "close down communication" preparatory to suicide or starvation.
Hence if nothing went wrong there was a five-day overlap for a possible rescue.
He didn't speak of the possible rescue of prisoners whom the pirates would otherwise murder.
Back on earth the astronomers were computing all the possible rescue orbits that might make contact with the Star Queen in the next few years.
They intend to keep you in here for the full three days, and to prevent any possible rescue.
This allowed the girls a little extra time for possible rescue.
Of course they were going to take their prize away from possible rescue before trying to open it, like a jay with a sweetnut.
During the possible rescue, the Duke William almost got separated from the long boat and the cutter.