The crowd was protesting the possible reinstatement of a white officer who had been suspended for beating a black man some weeks earlier.
His next step toward possible reinstatement will be a meeting with David Stern, the commissioner of the N.B.A.
They opposed possible reinstatement of a white officer involved in an incident where physical conflict had occurred in the arrest of two African-American men.
On 2 December, the National Congress began debate regarding the possible reinstatement of Zelaya to the presidency.
But the commissioner is keeping his feelings on Steinbrenner's possible reinstatement, on Steinbrenner's possible activities leading up to negotiations, close to the vest.
A court decision on his possible reinstatement will come down July 21.
Although no one has been drafted in the U.S. since 1973, draft registration continues for possible reinstatement on some future date.
Morris found out about his possible reinstatement as a starter today not from Daly, but rather indirectly.
This carried engineers inspecting the condition of the track for possible reinstatement of services.