Other areas that are expected to be reviewed for possible reductions include Medicare and agricultural subsidies.
Even optimists see no more than a token reduction possible.
Instead, they suggest, a better course might be to seek occasional changes in this treaty to improve its terms, including possible reductions.
Prices rose slightly on the news of the possible reduction.
Are there any other limitations on the extent of a possible reduction?
So a small side benefit is a possible reduction in overall travel within a company.
Pentagon officials have said they are beginning to plan a further possible reduction by early next year, perhaps to around 105,000.
A possible reduction in the Council's total budget will need to be borne by all regions.
"I wanted to ask whether you have a long-term plan on how the South Korean military could make up for a possible reduction."
Certainly there are potential benefits, including prophylactic treatment and the possible reduction in high-risk behavior.