A significant portion of the addition was for possible higher payments in environmental and occupational health cases following a May court decision in an asbestos-liability case.
The initial payment was $2.3 million, with a possible total payment of $10.3 million by 1990 depending on profits.
Hammerstein was found not guilty and settled his possible payment for up to $35.
Sugar claimed he had played a major role in bringing the business of the possible irregular payments to the attention of the game's authorities.
The discussions, they added, include the possible payment of a multimillion-dollar penalty by Loral and changes in the company's export procedures.
In return, politicians of the left have made possible huge payments to individual plaintiffs, with a large cut to their lawyers, thereby driving up medical insurance costs.
If the home buyer picks the lowest possible payment, the mortgage debt goes up rather than down.
You want the last survivor to have the highest possible payment.
That way, you will get the lowest possible monthly payment, but you will have to pay it for a decade longer.
The investigation is focusing in part on the possible payments of secret commissions to intermediaries with a view to securing contracts.