Cooper Clinic was contacted of possible misrepresentation.
The Federal Communications Commission said today that it was investigating possible misrepresentation and gross misconduct in the recent auctions of radio licenses for interactive video services.
The agency also said it was investigating possible misrepresentation by companies that said they were owned by minorities or women, which would have entitled them to special financial preferences.
After significant public-relations pressure developed over the possible misrepresentation of the whisky, McTear's offered to cancel the sale.
In March 2012, he stated that heterosexual marriages should be defended from "every possible misrepresentation of their true nature".
Although the document does not name the source of the possible misrepresentations, the company that sold Sheller-Globe was Knoll, which makes home and office products and owns the "21" Club.
To prevent any possible misrepresentation, no part of an AOC name may be used on a label of a product not qualifying for that AOC.
This ignored, however, the possible subsequent misrepresentation of his work as genuine.
Conduct balloting under the foremen to ascertain the strength of the union and to make possible misrepresentation of the strikers as a small minority.
The agency has asked the Justice Department to examine "any possible misrepresentations in regard to both insurance and finance contracts and applications."