There are a wide variety of possible fixes, with increased spacing, wire re-ordering, and shielding being the most common.
Hydrogen is a possible fix, and the technology to take advantage of it is already out there.
On the browser - is there a possible fix?
Other possible fixes include using a cushioned face mask, chin straps, and nasal saltwater sprays.
It's unsat and there is no possible fix that would cure the problem.
After the Series was over, many suspicious reporters made allusions to a possible fix.
But Administration officials have concluded that solving Social Security's problems would ultimately have to involve a national debate over a variety of possible fixes.
If you believe you are getting shortchanged on your driving expenses, there are at least three possible fixes.
One possible fix is to consider collections of objects that can be easily divided, such as pies or, still better, segmented rods.
The Times editorial writer used it, I think, to give a classroom connotation to the fix possible for the legislative proposal.