This intermediary will make possible exchange that would not occur without them and create value for both sides.
Assume there are 2 assets, A and M with 1 to 1 exchange possible.
What they managed at Jill Stacy's apartment was only the shortest of all possible exchanges.
It was encouraging to hear Mr. Powell talk yesterday about a possible exchange of explanations.
The two sides held discussions in the spring of 1985 about possible parliamentary exchanges, but the talks broke off.
The two sides have been discussing a program of experiments to improve verification, including the possible exchange of nuclear tests at each other's test sites.
Comparative advantage focuses on the range of possible mutually beneficial exchanges.
The hangup in a possible exchange would be Grissom's status.
In the long run, American consumers and Chinese democrats both benefit from the freest possible economic exchanges between the two countries.
I had used the word confrontation thinking of a possible exchange of words, not blows.