Cats of every possible description and variety sat in ordered ranks, looking at us, and there was not a sound.
But occasionally a composer creates a work of such astonishing originality that breakthrough seems the only possible description.
An age range, the possible description of two vehicles the guy may or may not drive.
The Companion snickered - that was the only possible description of the sound that came from him.
There are various possible descriptions of this area of research but a good one is provided as follows:
He did not seem to conceal anything, and yet he gave the least possible description of the objects missing.
The equation is one possible description of what the electrons are doing.
Phenotypic traits and characteristics are also possible descriptions, though that would imply just a limited aspect of the body.
That has nothing to do with whether you use E and all possible other descriptions.
The last hours of the wait were spent in a puzzled discussion to find a possible description of a Jovian's appearance.