Cubas said he had been in touch with the players and their coach about a possible defection since last summer.
In 1974, he was recalled to Romania from the United States because of reports which mentioned a possible defection.
Some possible defections were more rumor than truth.
The possible defection of Republican moderates meant that party leaders were scrambling to piece together a majority with the votes of conservative Democrats.
I hadn't wanted to be the one to tell her about Wendell's possible defection.
Asked about possible defections, Sohn refused to name names but conceded that a player or two might cross the line.
That was enough to set off waves of rumors in the industry about her future and the possible defection of her star writers.
Simultaneously they would be checking his flat for evidence of possible defection.
Why did KGB worry so much about possible defections?
One issue that was important to a number of bankers was possible defection of top talent at the firm.