Then came a report of a possible cover-up in the disaster by the United States Government.
In the Miami inquiry, investigators are also looking into possible cover-ups by top officials, people who have met with prosecutors said.
He ended his inquiry accusing the Clinton administration of a possible cover-up.
"At worse, the picture is colored with overtones of a possible cover-up."
The police statement seemed to suggest that the inquiry was breaking new ground, and it drew questions from opposition politicians about a possible cover-up.
In recent months, it has developed new life as prosecutors focus on a possible cover-up of the affair at the Central Intelligence Agency.
Instead, based on the subpoena, the federal probe seemed to be focusing on a possible cover-up by school officials.
That has led to persistent allegations of a bungled investigation and possible cover-up.
I would like to ask the President-in-Office if he will investigate this situation in the light of the subsequent events which indicate a possible cover-up.