So far, said a spokeswoman for the Education Department, Linda Fisher, more than 50 reports of possible cheating have been received.
He said that while big swings in scores would raise red flags about possible cheating, there had not been an unusual number of problems to catch anyone's attention.
(When he first tried it last spring, he found 122 cases of possible cheating, leading to 15 student explusions and volunteer departures so far.)
The episode initially caused a political furor in the United States and Russia, as Washington accused Moscow of possible cheating.
Everything that could have gone wrong did so, including late delivery of tests, poorly prepared test questions and possible cheating.
Another matter the two executives discussed was monitoring each other for possible cheating, said people and documents filed by the government in the Brooks plea.
Could he be an inspector from the feds, checking on possible cheating or other scalping of clients?
In the past, lawmakers have insisted on tough monitoring measures for missiles and launchers to guard against possible Soviet cheating.
The Administration insists that the additional measures are needed to guard against possible Soviet cheating.
Requiring blameless citizens to waste time on line so that the Government can detect possible cheating counts as a management failure.