Rather than showing reckless disregard for the future, they plan ahead, anticipate any possible future catastrophes.
Instead, their actions alerted us to a possible catastrophe, and then attracted the involvement of Project Sign.
Other possible catastrophes include nuclear winter and disruption of the ozone shield.
He probably sat around imagining every possible catastrophe, but she had to be sure.
The tankers passed within a few yards of each other, averting a possible catastrophe.
In his annual message for peace, Benedict worried about "the race for energy sources" and well as a "fear of a possible atomic catastrophe."
"What possible catastrophe could obliterate star systems-reach across light years?"
But there is also a long list of possible catastrophes, especially if warming develops in the high end of the predicted range.
They just wanted to prevent a possible catastrophe.
Even so, local and state governments nationwide will soon be required to collaboratively plan their responses to these possible catastrophes.