But the remaining possibilities ranged from the baroque (a hostage situation involving our dear friend Betsy, for example) to the more basic - like that tree.
Construction and manufacturing apprenticeships are most common, but possibilities range from telecommunications, environmental protection, and pastry making and more.
The possibilities range from rescheduling payments to creating new tax incentives that could help Olympia and other landlords with holdings in Lower Manhattan.
Political experts said the possibilities would then range from the formation of a compromise government of technocrats to a total rerun of the elections.
The possibilities range from his remaining only with the Devils to his staying with the Nets but in a modified position.
Japanese press reports said that the possibilities ranged from dispatching transportation and communications experts to sending medical personnel.
The possibilities range from folding the society to merge with us to finding a white knight and not needing our help.
The possibilities range from extraction, bone graft, and implants to root canals, fillings, or crowns.
The possibilities range from display panel technology with a Presentation Manager programme driven by menus, to full interactive video displays.
With two weeks to go before the playoffs, the possibilities facing the Yankees range from winning the division to securing the wild card to being left out altogether.