All other possibilities for a and b allow the conditional to stand.
One possibility, proposed by the city teachers' union, would expand the board but allow the mayor to appoint most of the members.
The possibility to query an address may allow easier deployment of existing code.
This possibility allows to the player to set the game precisely to his needs and interests.
The controlled environment and possibility to easily set original routes has allowed indoor climbing to evolve into a competitive sport.
However, one finds that this and the other little prop has been added, where possibility allowed.
The possibilities, because of dramatically low production and delivery costs, allow sampling on a scale no traditional publisher can afford.
The increased possibility of storage also allows keeping voicemails for longer periods of time.
Simply allowed Bespi the time to examine the possibility of reasons.
Moreover, the possibility to monitor over the time the disease progress allow to develop appropriate therapy modifications, potentially improving patient's quality of life.