The usual methods of making the diver positively buoyant are to:
An object that floats in the water is known as being positively buoyant.
When an H16 capsizes, it will normally lie on its side as the mast is sealed and positively buoyant.
And in comparison with the South-East, the North's housing market looks positively buoyant.
There is just enough air in the diver to make it positively buoyant.
Organism becomes positively buoyant due to the accumulation of ice, and it lifted from the sea floor.
If it was filled with fat, or oil, the glabellum would have helped to have made the creature positively buoyant.
It is positively buoyant and so it will float.
Not everything was perfect, but all of it was seriously intended, and the best was positively buoyant.
Bashir was feeling positively buoyant at the thought.