In a way, the positive performance influenced later variants.
"For the upcoming season, a positive performance will come as a result of gaining market share rather than from an increase in consumer demand."
From a business perspective, the team began to show positive financial performance after years of losses in Seattle and a transition-cost laden 2008-09 season.
The generally positive performance of the dollar helped support the bond market.
As was Sampras, who wanted to put on a positive performance for his longtime coach.
However, in his second season, the team went 4-12 and subsequently, the entire staff was fired despite the positive performance of the defense.
Health care put in the only positive performance, ekeing out a 0.85 percent gain.
But, the positive performance of Company F was ignored by higher commands and the news media.
The positive performance by the major indexes has obscured the pain.
The evidence would need to be of positive performance; that is, pupils taking the tests should have a high chance of success.