Administration officials said they hoped the cards would create a more positive public perception of the new law.
When you create positive perceptions, approximately one-third of the people affected will relate the experience to others.
Flexible working and work/life balance policies will also foster a more positive perception of you as an employer.
Seek to encourage a positive public perception of the engineer's role in the management of risk.
The suit seemingly had had little or no effect on the positive public perception of the May elections.
However, when you look at the underlying position of these views, it does not seem like a positive perception at all.
They help to create a positive perception for prospective purchasers of property.
In addition, schools leaders have a very positive perception of the college:
This article did nothing to contribute towards a positive basic perception in the Netherlands of the referendum.
So it is hardly surprising if the citizens do not have a real and positive perception of European integration.