The battle began at dawn in subsiding rain and mist as Prussia took its position west of the Bystřice River.
Combat group "East" took a position west of Brus.
Four days out, she changed course to intercept a German submarine estimated to be proceeding southwest from a position west of the Madeira Islands.
On July 7 the regiment halted at a position west of Jackson and stacked arms.
Potrillo maar is included with the western alignment due to its position west of the East Robledo fault.
The battalion commander command post also took position west of the outpost, and a platoon was deployed near it to break counterattacks.
A position further west was unnecessary, as that area of the North Sea could be patrolled by air using blimps and scouting aircraft.
Patcham Place has its origins in a 16th-century manor house in an isolated position west of the London Road.
He moved the counter to a position west of the Azores.
Peaks are listed by their position west to east.