On April 4, 2011, she was promoted to the position of legislative assistant to the minister.
Hibbins held the powerful position of assistant until his death in 1654.
He was appointed to the honorary position of assistant at the pontifical throne on 19 June 1891.
On 20 March 1847, I reassumed the position of assistant in the first clinic.
In 1981, due to increased numbers, a position of assistant to the director was created and receptionists were appointed.
Last spring, the position of assistant to the district manager opened.
García Rosado was assigned to the position of dental assistant.
In 1989, she was promoted to the position of parliamentary assistant.
Hilbert became Born's mentor after selecting him to be the first to hold the unpaid, semi-official position of assistant.
We are interviewing people today for the position of cultural assistant in the summer language programmes.